The BBC’s ‘Meet the Immigrants’ episode featuring Filipino domestic workers seemed to generate lots if interest. I thought it would be a good time to follow it up buy uploading ‘Between Two Cultures’, a short video documentary filmed by two members of Phil-UK back in 2000.
It’s a 12 minute video documentary about two Filipinas: a student who grew up in the UK, and a nanny working to support her family in the Philippines.
For more information, and to watch the video, head to the Between Two Cultures page.
Just stumbled unto this in Philippines News Vote. It already has 10 votes and I hope it will get much more.
There has already been much documentation about Filipinos in America so this documentary is a breath of fresh air. It’s nice too see the two-culture dynamic in the UK as well. Both sides have their own sad stories (although Mildred had much more) and I was very touched.